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Organizational Structure

The Board of Directors along with the Standing Committees are responsible for the goals of each priority area. Additional Community of Practices and Working Groups will be created for special projects as needed.

In total, four groups have been identified as necessary to achieve our priorities and goals:

Board of Directors:

This group consists of a minimum of six elected Directors who are responsible for steering the organization and acting as chairs or members of specific committees. The Directors include:

  • President
  • Past-president
  • Vice-president
  • Operations Manager
  • Membership Manager
  • Director-at-large (there may be more than one elected each year)

For more information on the Board of Directors or election process, review the By-Laws located within the member resources section of the website.

Standing Committees:

These groups focus on particular priorities or ongoing goals and objectives. Ideally committee members commit to serving a one-year term. For more information about committees, including calls for new members, please visit the member resources section of the website.

Community of Practices:

These are self-managed groups formed based on shared needs and interests of members. A Community of Practice can be initiated by any GPDN member with a special interest, who will then take responsibility for scheduling and leading group discussions. 

For more information on current Community of Practices, or how to start a new Community of Practice, please visit the member resources section of the website.

Working Groups:

These groups are  formed to address  a particular need of the organization. There is typically a specific deliverable that the group works towards, with an end date built into the mandate. As such, the commitment expected from working group members is limited to the scope of the particular project they are working on. If it becomes evident that the work will become ongoing, then the group may be converted into a committee. 

 For information on active and past working groups, please visit the member resources section of the website.

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Graduate and Postdoctoral Development Network | Le Réseau pour le Perfectionnement aux Études Supérieures et Postdoctorales

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